Main accomplishments related to governance in FY2024
(the Daiseki Group)
- Training hours
per person - 7.5hours / person
(7.9 hours / person)
- Turnover rate
- 3.9%(1.9%)
- Paid leave acquisition rate
- 63.4%(70.1%)
Note: ( ) shows figures for Daiseki only
Targets, performance, and measures
To continue growing even 100 years from now, we strive to develop human resources, promote diversity, and create a company where all employees can work long-term in a healthy and fulfilling environment.
To ensure employee safety, we are revising our safety management system and promoting safety and health activities.
Local communities
The understanding of neighboring communities is essential for the operation of an industrial waste treatment business.
While striving to engage in proactive dialogues and exchanges, we are also engaged in social contributions leading to the invigoration of local communities.
Initiatives for society