Initiatives and external evaluations

Inclusion in SRI indexes

as of February 2025

Daiseki tackles issues in terms of not only their financial aspects but also their environmental, social, and governance aspects. We have been selected as a constituent stock in Japan's Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) and in the FTSE Blossom Japan Index. Inclusion in these indices is a sign of a highly trusted company that has been evaluated as meeting globally recognized standards for corporate ethics and corporate social responsibility.

FTSE Blossom Japan Index

FTSE Blossom Japan

The FTSE Blossom Japan Index series is designed to measure the performance of Japanese companies that have been rated highly in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) aspects. It consists of two indices: the FTSE Blossom Japan Index and the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index. Japanese companies with an ESG Rating of 3.3 or higher are selected for inclusion in the FTSE Blossom Japan Index.

FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index

FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index

The FTSE Blossom Japan Index series is designed to measure the performance of Japanese companies that have been rated highly in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) aspects. It consists of two indices: the FTSE Blossom Japan Index and the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index. The FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index consists of the Japanese companies that are the top 50% in their sectors and that have an ESG rating of 2.0 or higher.

S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index

S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index

An index that determines the weighting of TOPIX constituent stocks based on the companies' state of disclosure of environmental information and level of carbon efficiency (carbon emissions volume per unit of sales). The GPIF (Government Pension Investment Fund) adopted it in 2018.

Evaluations by evaluation bodies

Daiseki's sustainability activities have also been evaluated by evaluation bodies.

March 2024
score BBB
MSCI indices are a general term for indices calculated and released by Morgan Stanley Capital International. They have been adopted as benchmarks for management by many of the world's investors and investment trusts.
December 2024
Score 40
S&P Global Ratings (abbreviated S&P), a U.S.-based rating company, evaluates interest payments and redemption capacities of government and corporate bonds through financial surveys and other means.
FTSE June 2024
ESG Rating 3.6
FTSE is a company specializing in the construction and calculation of indices. It was established through joint investment by the London Stock Exchange and the Financial Times, a U.K.-based financial and economic newspaper. Many established and rising investment trusts have adopted indices calculated by FTSE as benchmarks.
CDP February 2025
Score A
CDP, an international environmental non-profit organization (NPO) established in the U.K., is a world-class ESG evaluation body that evaluates climate change, water resource protection, and forest conservation initiatives by companies and local government bodies. Evaluations are based on responses to questions about these initiatives and are released to the world. These evaluations are considered important indicators of corporate value.
Nikkei SDGs November 2024
The Nikkei SDGs survey and evaluation are aimed at companies that tackle solutions to social, economic, and environmental issues through business and that connect their efforts to the enhancement of corporate value.
Toyo Keizai SDGs December 2024
Human resource utilization AA、The environment AA、Corporate Governance A、Sociality A、Fundamentals AA、Growth potential A、Profitability AAA、Safety AA、Scale AA
The Toyo Keizai SDGs is a survey conducted by Toyo Keizai Inc. with the aim of creating a publicly accessible database on corporate CSR and sustainability activities. Survey responses are publicly released in the form of CSR company rankings.
SOMPO Sustainability Index February 2024
Score A
The SOMPO Sustainability Index consists of approximately 300 companies that excel in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) initiatives, and is used in SOMPO Sustainable Management, an ESG management product of Sompo Asset Management Co., Ltd. for pension funds and institutional investors.


Daiseki participates in a number of initiatives involving sustainability activities.



Certified in November 2022

Established in 2015, SBTi is an international joint initiative that investigates and certifies whether targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions set by companies to achieve the targets of the Paris Agreement (curbing the global temperature rise caused by climate change to 2°C above pre-industrial levels) are consistent with the levels sought by the Paris Agreement.



Approved in October 2020

The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB), published its final report in June 2017. This report requests that companies and other organizations disclose information related to climate change, including information on climate change-related risks and opportunities and clarification of governance-related information.

GX League

GX League

Participated in May 2023

The GX League is a framework established by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for the purpose of achieving carbon neutrality. It is a framework under which companies that have set ambitious greenhouse gas reduction targets make investments to reduce emissions while engaging in voluntary trading of emissions to achieve their targets, and it started full-scale operation in FY2024. Through the GX League, Japanese companies that are tackling carbon neutrality aim to lead transformation of the socio-economic system overall and creation of new markets, while building an environment in which they can exert their competitiveness in international business.

Circular partners (CPs)

Circular partners

Joined in December 2023

In recent years, the transition to a circular economy, which will maximize the efficient, cyclical use of resources and added value, has become an urgent issue from the perspective of the resource constraints of global resource demand and increased geopolitical risks, as well as from the perspective of environmental constraints such as the problems of waste and climate change. The realization of a circular economy requires a collaborative approach, as ensuring economic rationality is challenging for individual companies. To this end, Circular Partners (CPs), a partnership between industry, academia, and government, was launched in December 2023 to facilitate cooperation and collaboration in this field.

Circular Economy Association

Circular Economy Association

Joined in February 2022

Circular Economy Association was established to promote the development and implementation of business on a circular economy model in order to realize a circular economic society capable of sustainable development while making effective use of limited natural resources. Daiseki serves as a member of Circular Economy Association.

Japan Partnership for Circular Economy(J4CE)

Japan Partnership for Circular Economy(J4CE)

Joined in October 2021

J4CE is an organization established by the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren) for the purpose of strengthening public-private partnerships, under the aim of fostering further understanding and promoting initiatives concerning the circular economy among Japanese companies and other wide-ranging stakeholders.

Green Value Chain Promotion Network (formerly Decarbonized Management Promotion Network)

Green Value Chain Promotion Network

Joined in October 2020

The Green Value Chain Promotion Network aims to increase the number of companies working on SBT by activating communication between companies that actively engage in greenhouse gas reduction and other global warming countermeasures and companies that offer and support solutions to achieve those goals, thereby driving a decarbonized economy and corporate growth.



Joined in March 2021

JCI was established as a loose network for strengthening the communication of information and exchanges of ideas among companies, local government bodies, NGOs, and other parties that are actively tackling measures to combat climate change.

Japan Climate Leaders' Partnership(JCLP)

Japan Climate Leaders' Partnership(JCLP)

Joined in August 2023

JCLP is a corporate group that supports the goal to achieve net zero emissions of greenhouse gases across the globe by 2050 and aims to realize a sustainable decarbonized society.
To achieve carbon neutrality, JCLP advances collaboration with local governments and overseas institutions such as by concluding a comprehensive partnership agreement with Yokohama City and by serving as a window to spread RE100, EV100, and EP100 as a local partner of The Climate Group, an international non-profit organization.

Regional Revitalization SDGs Public-Private Partnership Platform

Regional Revitalization SDGs Public-Private Partnership Platform

Joined in December 2020

The Regional Revitalization SDGs Public-Private Partnership Platform is a forum for deepening public-private partnerships with wide-ranging stakeholders. It is aimed at promoting implementation in Japan of SDGs set by the Cabinet Office and at connecting these to further regional revitalization.

RE Action - Declaring 100% Renewable Energy

RE Action - Declaring 100% Renewable Energy

Joined in April 2022

RE Action - Declaring 100% Renewable Energy is a new framework that promotes the use of 100% renewable energy through companies, local government bodies, educational institutions, medical institutions, and other organizations demonstrating their intent and actions toward converting their electrical power consumption to 100% renewable energy sources.

Aichi Zero Carbon Organization

Aichi Zero Carbon Organization

Joined in October 2022

The Aichi Zero Carbon Organization was established with the aim of achieving a zero-carbon society by calling for innovation and collaboration among industry, academia, and government, based on Japan's growth strategies and the concept of regional circulation and coexistence spheres. Daiseki is a member of the organization.

Aichi Prefecture SDGs

Aichi Prefecture SDGs

Joined in September 2021

The Aichi Prefecture SDGs are a structure aimed at promoting concrete initiatives involving the SDGs by registering companies and organizations that are making efforts to achieve the SDGs and by making their efforts visible. Daiseki has registered its SDGs-related initiatives.

External evaluations

Daiseki's sustainability activities undergo evaluations by a number of organizations.

Material Circulation Technology and System Awards

Material Circulation Technology and System Awards

Awarded in October 2021

The Material Circulation Technology and System Awards promote recycling systems by recognizing outstanding projects and initiatives that contribute to the reduction, reuse, and recycling of waste and that are characterized by advanced and sophisticated technology or advanced systems, and by working toward the incentivization and proliferation of such initiatives. Daiseki entered the award competition under the theme "Recycled fuels recycling business" and won the Japan Environmental Management Association for Industry Chairman’s Award.

ESG Finance Awards Japan

ESG Finance Awards Japan

Awarded in February 2024

ESG Finance Awards Japan was established by the Ministry of the Environment to evaluate and recognize financial institutions and other organizations that actively engage in ESG finance along with companies that engage in environmentally sustainable management, and to share the content of these with the many stakeholders involved in ESG finance and environmentally sustainable management. In February 2024, Daiseki and Daiseki Eco. Solution were selected as “Environmental Disclosure Progress Companies” in the Environmentally Sustainable Companies category of these awards as companies with high levels of improvement in disclosure.

ISO14001 Strong Points

ISO14001 Strong Points

Awarded in November 2022

Activities that are recognized as achieving the development and improvement of an organization and delivering "remarkable outcomes not seen in other companies" though the effective use of management systems by the organization are evaluated as ISO14001 "strong points" by the Japan Quality Assurance Organization (JQA) in its inspections. Daiseki's ESG activities were recently evaluated as strong points.

Health & Productivity Management Organizations

Health & Productivity Management Organizations

Certified in March 2024

This refers to large enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises, and other corporations that practice outstanding health management, as recognized by the Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. This program recognizes companies of all sizes and other corporations that practice particularly outstanding health management under initiatives aimed at regional health issues, as well as health promotion initiatives advanced by Nippon Kenko Kaigi.
Daiseki was certified as a Health and Productivity Management Organization in 2023 and in 2024.