Dividend information

Basic Policy on Allocating Profits

The Company considers returns to shareholders through the distribution of dividends in accordance with results and the acquisition of treasury shares as the most important issues to implement positive profit returns to shareholders. Accordingly, the Company has adopted the policy of determining dividends by taking into consideration results trends, the industry environment, and the payout ratio, as well as the strengthening of our management foundations and corporate structure and the enhancement of internal reserves to prepare for medium- to long-term business development.
The Company’s basic policy is to pay dividends of surplus twice a year, an interim dividend and a year-end dividend.
The decision-making body for these dividends of surplus is the General Meeting of Shareholder for year-end dividends and the Board of Directors for interim dividends.
We will increase the payout ratio gradually by increasing dividends positively in stages as a shareholder return measure while taking into account the balance between improving profitability, strengthening our financial structure and internal reserves. In addition, we will also promote shareholder returns by acquiring treasury shares as necessary.
In order to strengthen our management base and corporate structure and prepare for medium to long term business development, we intend to enhance internal reserves and actively invest in capital investment and technological development.

Dividend Per Share

  2020 / 2 2021 / 2 2022 / 2 2023 / 2 2024 / 2
Annual (Yen) 56.00 56.00 60.00 60.00 66.00
Interim dividend (Yen) 23.00 28.00 28.00 30.00 30.00
Year-end dividend (Yen) 33.00 28.00 32.00 30.00 36.00
Payout ratio (%) 34.0 36.7 36.5 34.4 34.1

The Company conducted a 1.2-for-1 share split of its common shares on the effective date of September 1,2021.