Other peripheral businesses
We provide comprehensive services related to waste.
Our businesses peripheral to industrial waste disposal offer varied services that meets the diverse needs of our customers. We provide a comprehensive package of services related to industrial waste, including collection, transport, treatment, and recycling.
Emergency engineering work associated with disasters and accidents
We collect oil leaked in disasters and accidents and fire extinguishing agents following a fire to prevent their dispersal and quickly restore the site of the incident.
Our capability for rapid action and mobility was recognized for its great contribution following the heavy oil spill from the Russian tanker Nakhodka in 1997 and Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, earning praise from outside the company.
Transformer oil/hydraulic oil replacement work
As part of the acceptance and treatment of degraded transformer oil and hydraulic oil, we perform oil replacement work that includes interior cleaning of transformer and hydraulic equipment, delivery of new oil, and filiing the tank new oil. We perform centralized management and implementation of work including waste oil recycling.
Cleaning of machinery and equipment (tanks, pipes, pits, etc.)
We use high-pressure jet cleaners, steam jet cleaners, and other tools to clean the customer's machinery and equipment. We collect the wastewater released during cleaning and treat it through our water treatment process. For fluid tanks, along with cleaning we perform measurement and inspection of the thickness of bottom plates and side plates as part of general maintenance.
Soil remediation work
In response to the recent increase in reported cases of contamination of soil by toxic substances, our affiliate Daiseki Eco. Solution utilizes detoxification and recycling technologies developed through Daiseki's industrial waste treatment to handle any contaminant in any state. We make utmost efforts to recycle the collected soil through exhaustive sorting, checking, and purification technologies, resulting in treatment that is environmentally friendly and low-cost.
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