SafetyAccident risk reduction

Efforts to eliminate unsafe condition

In order to eliminate unsafe work environments for drivers, we make improvements with customers ’supports as well. If improvements are difficult to make, we inform drivers of the risks and review work procedures, etc.
Also, Safety Management Department and Safety Promotion Office staffs ride together to the working sites and check the procedures, equipment and controls to make necessary improvements.

Unsafe conditions eliminated at Daiseki customers’ sites (Cumulative total up to FY2023)

Eliminated In process or under negotiation
72 13

Learning from close-call incidents

Preventing contact accidents by attaching tiger warning tapes on dikes (Chiba Works)

Preventing contact accidents by attaching tiger warning tapes on dikes (Chiba Works)

In FY2023, Daiseki received 4,791 close-call incident reports. Of these, the Safety Management Department and the Safety Promotion Office work together to handle the reports that require taking countermeasures. For example, in FY2023, tiger warning tapes were attached to dikes to prevent vehicles driving in plants from making contact with dikes of processing tanks.